We Are Family

Whenever I photograph family and friends at a wedding, I imagine the day years later when you’re looking back on your images fondly and reflecting on the event. I know that there will come a time when you’ll probably look at these photographs and you’ll marvel at how much younger you were or how amazing it was to bring everyone together from across Australia or the world! Perhaps a special someone mightn’t be with you anymore but the memories come to life in those photographs despite this passage of time.

The images we capture of family and friends are so essential because it’s a moment that you were all together, where you were joyful and where there was a most profound love between you all. I have to be honest, it’s not always easy to capture that because the moment cannot be manufactured – guided maybe, but not made. But when we connect with people something amazing happens – they open up, they are more willing and confident in showing us who they really are and it’s amazing to see that guard come down, because when it does …we’re able to create photographs that are real, that are raw and that truly reflect the personalities before us.

You’ll look back on your wedding photos often and it’s these photographs of family and friends that will forever bring a smile to your face and start great conversations about who everyone is and how much they really mean to you. I think it’s amazing that I’m responsible for bringing these memories to life. It’s a part of my job that I feel grateful for and take great pride in.

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