It’s All In The Detail

I love photographing the details. Each wedding White Canvas Photography captures is distinctive because of the wonderful people we photograph. What’s more, it’s the subtle details that really illuminate who the bride and groom are as individuals which is precisely why we spend the time bringing the details to life through our photos.

Weddings take months of planning and preparation and so much attention and love go into the particulars that bring your wedding day together. In years down the track you may no longer have your fabulous shoes or hair piece or the gorgeous shade of lipstick you wore. The perfume has run out and beautiful blooms become a sweet memory but it’s so amazing to look back and remember these special items selected purposefully and with great care. The items that made your event truly unique.

Another thing to remember is that the details are often linked to very particular relationships. I remember one wedding we photographed where the bride wore the same veil her mother did and theirs was an incredibly close and loving relationship. At another wedding, the bride had a beautiful image of her late father attached to her bouquet, essentially walking with him down the aisle. This was so very sentimental. Sometimes the details are great fun too like the ‘I do’ stickers attached to your shoes or the questionable straws you’ve used for drinks during bridal preparation. It’s all a significant part of the celebration.

So we know you’ve spent hours trawling Pinterest, flicking through wedding magazines, collecting a series of images on your phone all to do with the details that will bring your wedding to life. We know the work you’ve put in and you can be sure that we’ll capture these items and ideas on the day so that they’ll forever be remembered. This is not only important to us but it excites us too. We can’t wait to see what you’ve created.

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